Discover How Much Green Tea Boosts Weight Loss Effectively

A registered nutritionist shares the possible advantages of losing weight from this well-liked drink.

If you desire to lose some additional weight, consuming green tea can be a powerful potion to assist in reducing the size of your waist. Although the online nutrition community emphasizes intense exercise routines and extreme diets as effective methods for losing weight, studies indicate that consuming green tea is linked to substantial weight loss. 

However, what is the recommended daily amount of green tea for weight loss? We spoke with Trista Best, RD, a registered dietitian from Balance One Supplements, to determine the ideal daily amount of this calming drink that can assist you in achieving your weight reduction objectives. So, get your preferred cup and continue reading to discover how consuming green tea can assist in your efforts to lose weight. 

The role of green tea in weight loss:

Green tea can help reduce abdominal fat due to its high antioxidants. Based on a study conducted in 2021, green tea includes catechins, which are antioxidants that can increase metabolism and improve the process of burning fat. Although not a miraculous remedy, adding green tea to your daily routine can enhance a balanced diet and active lifestyle to support good weight management.

“Green tea can help with weight loss through various mechanisms,” Best explains. One crucial factor is its caffeine concentration, a natural substance that can temporarily increase metabolism. This higher metabolic rate can help burn more calories, aiding in weight loss.

Additionally, green tea includes antioxidants, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), associated with increased fat burning. This implies that the body might become better at using fat as an energy source.

What is the recommended amount of green tea to consume for weight loss?

Based on a study conducted in 2013, consuming a maximum of four cups of green tea daily can decrease body weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure. Nevertheless, excessive green tea does not result in faster weight loss and may cause undesirable side effects.

It is said that finding the right dosage of green tea for weight loss can differ depending on individual characteristics and personal tolerance to caffeine. 

Nevertheless, research has indicated that drinking approximately three to five cups of green tea daily without excessive caffeine can offer certain advantages. The caffeine in green tea is less than in coffee, but consuming too much might still cause adverse effects.

Possible adverse effects of green tea:

Although green tea is generally considered harmless for most individuals, its caffeine level could cause problems for those sensitive to it, resulting in difficulties with sleep or intestinal discomfort. Nevertheless, being mindful of how your body reacts to green tea and seeking guidance from a healthcare expert or trained nutritionist can assist in avoiding any negative responses.

According to Best, green tea has caffeine, and people who are sensitive to caffeine may have adverse effects, including trouble sleeping, feeling jittery, a faster heartbeat, or problems with digestion. Knowing the total amount of caffeine consumed from different sources is essential. 

Moreover, green tea may have interactions with specific drugs. It might affect iron absorption, so people with iron-deficiency anemia should have it at meal breaks. It can also interfere with prescriptions used to thin the blood, certain medications used to treat psychosis, and several other drugs. 

People on medication should talk to their healthcare provider before including green tea in their routine.

Advice for including green tea in a weight-loss eating plan:

The good news is adding green tea to your weight reduction regimen doesn’t have to be complex. Consider replacing sweetened coffee drinks with hot or cold green tea as a pleasant, low-calorie option. Try out several flavors or combinations to see what suits you the most.

“Consuming green tea in between meals can assist in managing hunger and decreasing overall calorie intake,” clarifies Best. Additionally, using green tea in daily habits might establish a feeling of tradition and attentiveness towards meals. 

Trying to savor a cup of tea could promote greater awareness when eating, which can decrease the chances of consuming excessive amounts of food.

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