20 Things in Your House That a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out

Let’s face it, our homes tend to accumulate stuff. Over time, that “stuff” can morph into clutter, robbing our living spaces of peace and functionality. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by overflowing drawers and surfaces, you’re not alone.

But fear not, fellow clutter warriors! Here’s a peek into the minds of professional organizers, revealing 20 items they’d recommend saying goodbye to for a more streamlined and stress-free home.

Expired Everything:

This one’s a no-brainer. Expired medications, cosmetics, food items, and cleaning products have no place in your home. Expired medications can be dangerous, cosmetics might lose effectiveness or irritate your skin, and food can spoil and make you sick.

Cleaning products past their prime might not work as intended, and some can even become harmful. Make a habit of checking expiration dates regularly and dispose of anything past its prime responsibly.

Instruction Manuals You Never Use: The Silent Sentinels of the Drawer

Remember that juicer you bought on a whim? Chances are, the instruction manual gathering dust in your drawer holds the secrets to its operation. But be honest, when was the last time you actually consulted a manual?

Most appliances are fairly intuitive these days, and if you get stuck, a quick online search can usually solve the problem. For those rare, complex appliances, consider storing the manual digitally or keeping a single physical copy in a designated “important documents” folder.

Broken Appliances: The Fallen Soldiers of Convenience

We all have that drawer (or corner of the garage) filled with appliances that once served us faithfully, but now reside in a state of disrepair.

Holding onto a broken toaster or a coffee maker with a shattered carafe might seem sentimental, but it’s only taking up valuable space.

Be honest: would you realistically invest in repairs? If not, consider recycling the appliance responsibly or offering it up for free to someone who might be handy enough to fix it.

Single-Use Items: The Ephemeral Encroachers

Single-use items like disposable plates, plastic cutlery, and travel-sized toiletries might seem convenient at first glance.

But in the long run, they contribute to clutter and waste. Invest in reusable alternatives – plates, silverware, and refillable travel containers are not only eco-friendly but can save you money in the long run.

Empty Containers: The Hollow Hopes of Repurposing

We’ve all been there – holding onto that cute jam jar or a fancy candle holder, convinced we’ll find the perfect way to repurpose it someday. But chances are, that “someday” never arrives.

Instead of letting empty containers clutter your cabinets and shelves, recycle them or donate them to thrift stores or community centers where they might spark someone else’s creative spirit.

Worn-Out Clothing and Linens: Saying Goodbye to the Threadbare and Tattered

We all have those favorite t-shirts riddled with holes or bedsheets that have seen better days. Holding onto clothes that are worn-out, stained, or no longer fit you not only takes up space but can also negatively impact your self-esteem.

Sort through your clothes and linens honestly. Donate gently used items in good condition, and recycle or responsibly dispose of anything that’s truly unusable.

Mismatched Tupperware and Lids: The Orphans of the Kitchen Cabinet

Tupperware containers are fantastic for storing leftovers and organizing pantry items. But let’s be honest, mismatched lids and containers create chaos in your cabinets.

Dedicate a shelf or drawer specifically for Tupperware, and conduct a ruthless lid audit. Toss any lids with missing partners, and recycle or donate containers that are cracked, stained, or missing pieces.

Unused or Expired Gift Wrap and Bows: The Remnants of Celebrations Past

We all appreciate a thoughtful gift, but those leftover scraps of wrapping paper and crumpled bows from birthdays and holidays past can quickly accumulate. Consider using leftover wrapping paper for smaller gifts or DIY projects.

For unused ribbons and bows, get creative! Repurpose them for gift-wrapping future presents, use them to embellish homemade decorations, or donate them to schools or community centers for craft projects.

Instruction Manuals for Outdated Electronics: Relics of a Technological Bygone Era

Just like with appliances, do you really need the instruction manual for that old DVD player or that flip phone gathering dust in a drawer?

Chances are, the technology is outdated, and the information you need can be found online with a quick search. Recycle any outdated electronics responsibly, and toss those bulky instruction manuals that are no longer relevant.

Freebie Tote Bags: The Silent Ambassadors of Clutter

We’ve all succumbed to the allure of a free tote bag at a conference or a store opening. But how many of these flimsy, logo-laden bags do you actually use?

Be honest: Do you reach for a free tote bag when packing groceries, or do you grab your reusable shopping bags? Consider keeping a few sturdy, reusable tote bags for errands and ditch the collection of freebies cluttering your cabinets.

Empty Notebooks and Half-Used Planners: The Unfinished Symphonies of Productivity

We all start projects with the best intentions, buying notebooks and planners to keep ourselves organized. But sometimes, life gets in the way, and those notebooks remain forever blank or those planners become filled with half-written to-do lists.

Instead of letting these unfinished projects take up space, recycle them or donate them to schools or community centers where they can be put to good use.

Expired Coupons and Outdated Brochures: Promises of Savings Unfulfilled

Newspaper inserts overflow with coupons, and mailboxes bulge with brochures promising amazing deals. But do you ever actually use these paper scraps?

Chances are, by the time you get around to using them, the deals have expired or the information is outdated.

Opt for digital flyers and coupons instead. Many stores and restaurants offer apps where you can access deals and discounts electronically. Unsubscribe from unwanted mailers, and recycle any paper clutter that’s accumulated.

“Maybe One Day” Clothes: The Closet Dwellers of Dreams

We all have those clothes we hold onto with the hope that “one day” we’ll magically fit back into them or suddenly develop a different style.

But be realistic: if you haven’t worn it in over a year, chances are you won’t wear it in the future.

Donate clothes that are still in good condition but no longer fit your style or body. Remember, letting go of clothes you don’t wear frees up space for items you actually love and use.

Incomplete Craft Kits: The Unfinished Masterpieces of Hobby Enthusiasm

Do you have a cabinet overflowing with half-finished craft projects and unopened kits? We’ve all been there, buying a craft kit with grand plans, only to lose interest or simply not have the time.

Be honest with yourself: are you realistically going to complete those projects? If not, donate the unopened kits to schools, after-school programs, or community centers where they can spark creativity in others.

For partially finished projects, assess if you can salvage any materials or embellishments for future crafts. If not, recycle or dispose of them responsibly.

Instruction Manuals for Furniture You Already Assembled: The Ghosts of Assembly Past

Once you’ve wrestled with Allen keys and deciphered cryptic diagrams to assemble a piece of furniture, do you really need to keep the instruction manual around? Chances are, that bookshelf or crib isn’t going to spontaneously disassemble itself.

Recycle those bulky furniture manuals unless you plan on disassembling and reassembling the piece frequently.

Expired Gift Cards: The Forgotten Funds of Festivities

We’ve all received gift cards for stores we rarely frequent or for amounts that are too small to buy anything worthwhile. Instead of letting those gift cards languish in a drawer, forgotten and unused, consider your options.

You can try selling them online to gift card resellers, using them to make small purchases and top up with cash, or donating them to charity.

Empty Product Packaging: The Plastic Promises of Perfection

We’re bombarded with marketing that positions fancy packaging as part of the product’s value. But once you’ve used the last drop of face cream or the final tissue, do you really need to keep the empty box?

Recycle all cardboard and plastic product packaging according to your local guidelines.

Dead Batteries: The Powerless Ex-Champions of Convenience

We all have a drawer or junk jar overflowing with dead batteries. But holding onto them not only takes up space but can also be a potential environmental hazard if they leak. Most stores that sell batteries also have battery recycling bins. Take advantage of these programs to dispose of dead batteries responsibly.

Freebie Trinkets and Knick-Knacks: The Dust Magnets of Decoration

Promotional trinkets, free samples, and knick-knacks accumulated over time can clutter shelves and surfaces. Do these items truly spark joy or add any aesthetic value to your space? If not, consider donating them to thrift stores or charity auctions.

By decluttering your home of these 20 items (and countless others that might fall into similar categories), you can create a more streamlined, organized, and peaceful living environment.

Remember, letting go of things you don’t need or use makes space for what truly

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