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Salmonella In Cantaloupes Sickens Dozens In 15 States

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In connection with an outbreak of salmonella contamination, specific whole and cut cantaloupes as well as pre-cut fruit products have been issued a warning by U.S. health officials.

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A minimum of 43 individuals across 15 states have contracted the virus since its announcement on Friday; of these, 17 have been admitted to hospitals.

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A number of brands of pre-cut fruit and whole and pre-cut cantaloupes have been recalled.

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They consist of cantaloupe under the Malichita brand, cantaloupe pre-cut by Vinyard brand, and cantaloupe and pre-cut fruit products by ALDI.

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Those who own the products in their residences ought to dispose of them.

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Earlier this month, the products that were sold between October 16 and November 10 were recalled. Assemblies of additional potentially contaminated cantaloupe products are currently being identified by investigators.

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A sample of Malichita brand cantaloupe containing the same strain of salmonella that Canadian authorities discovered is the subject of an investigation into an outbreak of the same nature.

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It is probable that the true number of individuals afflicted by the outbreak exceeds what has been officially reported, and its reach may extend beyond states where maladies are recognized.

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Three to four weeks are typically required to ascertain whether an individual's illness is associated with an outbreak.

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Salmonella infections typically manifest symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and gastrointestinal cramps between six hours and six days following the ingestion of contaminated food.

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A typical duration of an illness is four to seven days. Children, individuals aged 65 and above, and those with compromised immune systems are among the vulnerable populations.

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