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Yellow Star

7 Things You Should Only Pay For With Cash

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Yellow Star

1. Small Purchases

For small, everyday purchases like a cup of coffee, snacks, or minor grocery items, using cash is more efficient. It eliminates the need for card transactions and is quicker for both you and the merchant.

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Yellow Star

2. Tipping

When leaving tips at restaurants, cafes, or other service establishments, paying in cash is preferable. It ensures that the tip goes directly to the service provider without any delays or deductions.

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Yellow Star

3. Flea Markets and Local Shops

Cash is often the preferred method of payment at local markets, flea markets, or small independent shops. Some smaller businesses may not accept cards due to transaction fees.

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Yellow Star

4. Budgeted Expenses

Allocate a specific amount of cash for discretionary spending, such as entertainment, dining out, or personal allowances.

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5. Transportation Services

Paying for services like taxis, shuttle buses, or even some parking facilities with cash can be more convenient, especially in situations where electronic payment may not be readily available.

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Yellow Star

6. Personal Transactions

For personal transactions between friends or family, such as lending money or splitting bills, cash is a straightforward and immediate method.

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Yellow Star

7. Emergency Situations

Keep a small amount of cash on hand for emergency situations. In case of unexpected events or situations where card payments are not accepted, having cash can provide a quick solution

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Yellow Star

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