Yellow Star
Yellow Star

10 Outdated Holiday Decorating Trends to Skip This Year

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

1. Overly Matchy-Matchy Decor

Skip the overly coordinated decorations and embrace a mix of colors, textures, and styles for a more eclectic and personalized look.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

2. Flocked Artificial Trees

Flocked trees with artificial snow were popular in the past but may now feel dated. Consider a more natural-looking tree or explore alternative tree trends.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

3. Over-the-Top Tinsel

Excessive tinsel can look dated. Opt for subtler metallic accents or garlands for a more modern touch.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

4. Monochromatic Color Schemes

While monochromatic themes were once popular, consider adding a variety of colors to create a more vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

5. Traditional Red and Green Overload

Red and green are classic holiday colors, but an overload of these hues can feel outdated. Mix in other complementary colors for a fresh look.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

6. Old-Fashioned Popcorn Garland

Skip the traditional popcorn garlands, which can be messy and attract pests. Instead, opt for more durable and modern garland options.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

7. Plastic Santa Claus Figures

Large plastic Santa Claus figures may feel outdated. Choose more modern and stylish decor items that complement your overall theme.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

8. Overly Formal Table Settings

Formal and elaborate table settings may be considered outdated. Embrace a more relaxed and casual approach for a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

9. Heavy, Dark Decorations

Heavy and dark decorations can make a space feel cramped. Opt for lighter, more airy decor to create a welcoming and festive ambiance.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

10. Multi-Color Twinkle Lights

While classic white lights are timeless, multicolored twinkle lights may be seen as outdated. Consider using a single color or warm white lights for a more sophisticated look.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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